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Install auth-kit and its peer dependency viem.

npm install @farcaster/auth-kit viem

Note: auth-kit is a React library. If you're using a different framework, take a look at the client library instead.

1. Import the libraries

Import auth-kit and CSS styles.

import '@farcaster/auth-kit/styles.css';
import { AuthKitProvider } from '@farcaster/auth-kit';
import { SignInButton } from '@farcaster/auth-kit';

2. Configure your provider

Configure a provider with an Optimism RPC URL, your app's domain and login URL, and wrap your application in it.

const config = {
  rpcUrl: '',
  domain: '',
  siweUri: '',

const App = () => {
  return (
    <AuthKitProvider config={config}>{/*   Your App   */}</AuthKitProvider>

3. Add a connect button

Render the SignInButton component. When the user clicks this button, they will be prompted to complete sign in using their Farcaster wallet application.

export const Login = () => {
  return <SignInButton />;

4. Read user profile

Optionally, fetch details about the logged in user anywhere in your app with useProfile.

import { useProfile } from '@farcaster/auth-kit';

export const UserProfile = () => {
  const {
    profile: { username, fid },
  } = useProfile();
  return (
      {isAuthenticated ? (
          Hello, {username}! Your fid is: {fid}
      ) : (
        <p>You're not signed in.</p>