A message is the fundamental data type in the Farcaster network.
When an account takes an action like casting a public message, change its profile or verifying an Ethereum account, it generates a new messages
1. Message
The message is a protobuf that contains the data, its hash and a signature from the author.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
data | MessageData | Contents of the message. Alternatively, you can use the data_bytes to serialize the MessageData | |
hash | bytes | Hash digest of data | |
hash_scheme | HashScheme | Hash scheme that produced the hash digest | |
signature | bytes | Signature of the hash digest | |
signature_scheme | SignatureScheme | Signature scheme that produced the signature | |
signer | bytes | Public key or address of the key pair that produced the signature | |
data_bytes | bytes | Alternate to the "data" field. If you are constructing the MessageData in a programming language other than Typescript, you can use this field to serialize the MessageData and calculate the hash and signature on these bytes. Optional. |
1.1 MessageData
MessageData is a generic envelope that contains a type, fid, timestamp and network which must be present in all Farcaster messages. It also contains a body whose type is determined by the MessageType.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | MessageType | Type of Message contained in the body | |
fid | uint64 | Farcaster ID of the user producing the message | |
timestamp | uint32 | Farcaster epoch timestamp in seconds | |
network | FarcasterNetwork | Farcaster network the message is intended for | |
body | CastAddBody, CastRemoveBody, ReactionBody, VerificationAddEthAddressBody, VerificationRemoveBody, UserDataBody, LinkBody, UserNameProof | oneOf | Properties specific to the MessageType |
1.2 HashScheme
Type of hashing scheme used to produce a digest of MessageData
Name | Number | Description |
HASH_SCHEME_BLAKE3 | 1 | Default scheme for hashing MessageData |
1.3 Signature Scheme
Type of signature scheme used to sign the Message hash
Name | Number | Description |
SIGNATURE_SCHEME_ED25519 | 1 | Ed25519 signature (default) |
SIGNATURE_SCHEME_EIP712 | 2 | ECDSA signature using EIP-712 scheme |
1.4 Message Type
Type of the MessageBody
Name | Number | Description |
MESSAGE_TYPE_NONE | 0 | Invalid default value |
MESSAGE_TYPE_CAST_ADD | 1 | Add a new Cast |
MESSAGE_TYPE_CAST_REMOVE | 2 | Remove an existing Cast |
MESSAGE_TYPE_REACTION_ADD | 3 | Add a Reaction to a Cast |
MESSAGE_TYPE_REACTION_REMOVE | 4 | Remove a Reaction from a Cast |
MESSAGE_TYPE_LINK_ADD | 5 | Add a Link to a target |
MESSAGE_TYPE_LINK_REMOVE | 6 | Remove a Link from a target |
MESSAGE_TYPE_VERIFICATION_ADD_ETH_ADDRESS | 7 | Add a Verification of an Ethereum Address |
MESSAGE_TYPE_VERIFICATION_REMOVE | 8 | Remove a Verification |
MESSAGE_TYPE_USER_DATA_ADD | 11 | Add metadata about a user |
MESSAGE_TYPE_USERNAME_PROOF | 12 | Add or replace a username proof |
1.5 Farcaster Network
Farcaster network the message is intended for
Name | Number | Description |
FARCASTER_NETWORK_MAINNET | 1 | Public primary network |
FARCASTER_NETWORK_TESTNET | 2 | Public test network |
FARCASTER_NETWORK_DEVNET | 3 | Private test network |
2. UserData
A UserData message represents user metadata (e.g. a profile picture url) .
2.1 UserDataBody
Body of a UserData message
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | UserDataType | Type of metadata | |
value | string | Value of the metadata |
2.2 UserDataType
Type of UserData message
Name | Number | Description |
USER_DATA_TYPE_NONE | 0 | Invalid default value |
USER_DATA_TYPE_PFP | 1 | Profile Picture for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY | 2 | Display Name for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_BIO | 3 | Bio for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_URL | 5 | URL of the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_USERNAME | 6 | Preferred Farcaster Name for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_LOCATION | 7 | Location for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_TWITTER | 8 | Twitter username for the user |
USER_DATA_TYPE_GITHUB | 9 | GitHub username for the user |
See FIP-196 for more information on Location. See FIP-19 for more information on Twitter/X and Github usernames.
3. Cast
A Cast message is a public post from a user.
3.1 CastAddBody
Adds a new Cast message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
embeds_deprecated | string | repeated | URLs to be embedded in the cast |
mentions | uint64 | repeated | Fids mentioned in the cast |
parent_cast_id | CastId | Parent cast of the cast | |
parent_url | string | Parent URL of the cast | |
text | string | Text of the cast | |
mentions_positions | uint32 | repeated | Positions of the mentions in the text |
embeds | Embed | repeated | URLs or cast ids to be embedded in the cast |
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | string | ||
cast_id | CastId |
3.2 CastRemoveBody
Removes an existing Cast message.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
target_hash | bytes | Hash of the cast to remove |
3.3 CastId
Identifier used to look up a Cast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
fid | uint64 | Fid of the user who created the cast | |
hash | bytes | Hash of the cast |
4. Reaction
A Reaction message creates a relationship between an account and a cast. (e.g. like)
4.1 ReactionBody
Adds or removes a Reaction from a Cast
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | ReactionType | Type of reaction | |
target_cast_id | CastId | CastId of the Cast to react to | |
target_url | string | URL to react to |
4.2 ReactionType
Type of Reaction
Name | Number | Description |
REACTION_TYPE_NONE | 0 | Invalid default value |
REACTION_TYPE_LIKE | 1 | Like the target cast |
REACTION_TYPE_RECAST | 2 | Share target cast to the user's audience |
5. Link
A Link message creates a relationship between two users (e.g. follow)
5.1 LinkBody
Adds or removes a Link
Field | Type | Label | Description |
type | string | Type of link, <= 8 characters | |
displayTimestamp | uint32 | optional | User-defined timestamp that preserves original timestamp when needs to be updated for compaction |
target_fid | uint64 | The fid the link relates to |
6. Verification
A Verification message is a proof of ownership of something.
6.1 VerificationAddEthAddressBody
Adds a bi-directional signature proving that an fid has control over an Ethereum address.
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | bytes | Ethereum address being verified | |
eth_signature | bytes | Signature produced by the user's Ethereum address | |
block_hash | bytes | Hash of the latest Ethereum block when the claim was produced |
6.2 VerificationRemoveBody
Removes a Verification of any type
Field | Type | Label | Description |
address | bytes | Address of the Verification to remove |
7. Frame Action
Represents an action performed by a user on a frame. This message is not stored on the hubs and cannot be submitted, only validated.
7.1 FrameActionBody
A user action on a frame
Field | Type | Label | Description |
url | bytes | The original url of the frame as embedded in the cast | |
button_index | uint32 | The button that was pressed (indexed from 1) | |
cast_id | CastId | The cast id that hosted the frame | |
input_text | bytes | Any text the user input as part of the action | |
state | bytes | Serialized state passed from frame to server |